# Script: ListVMs.ps1 - Ravi - 1st Feb 2022
# Usage : .\listvms <vcenter or host ip>:[Manadatory] <user>:[Manadatory] <password>:[Manadatory] <sortBy>:[Optional]
# Example: .\listvms root mypassword ramalloc
# Desc : Retrieves a list of virtual machines from an ESXi host or vCenter Server, extracting a subset of
# vm properties values returned by Get-View. The list is converted to HTML and written to disk.
# The script automatically displays the report by invoking the default browser.
#Command line parameters
#Populate PSObject with the required vm properties
function vmProperties
$list=foreach ($vm in $view){
#Get net info
#State info
if ($vm.Runtime.PowerState -eq "poweredOn") {$state="ON"}
elseif ($vm.Runtime.PowerState -eq "poweredOff") {$state="OFF"}
else {$state="n/a"}
#VMtools state
if ($vm.summary.guest.ToolsRunningStatus -eq "guestToolsRunning") {$vmtools="Running"}
elseif ($vm.summary.guest.ToolsRunningStatus -eq "guestToolsNotRunning") {$vmtools="Not running"}
else {$vmtools="n/a"}
#Check for multi-homed vms - max. 2 ips
if ($ips.count -gt 1)
{$ips=$vm.guest.net.ipaddress[0] + " " + $vm.guest.net.ipaddress[1]}
if ($macs.count -gt 1)
{$macs=$vm.guest.net.macaddress[0] + " " + $vm.guest.net.macaddress[1]}
#Populate object
"Name" = $vm.Name
"Cluster" = ($vms | Get-Cluster).Name
"OS" = $vm.Guest.GuestFullName
"Hostname" = $vm.summary.guest.hostname
"vCPUs" = $vm.Config.hardware.NumCPU
"Cores" = $vm.Config.Hardware.NumCoresPerSocket
"RAM Alloc" = $vm.Config.Hardware.MemoryMB
"RAM Host" = $vm.summary.QuickStats.HostMemoryUsage
"RAM guest" = $vm.summary.QuickStats.GuestMemoryUsage
"NICS" = $vm.Summary.config.NumEthernetCards
"vmtoolversion" = $vm.Config.Tools.ToolsVersion
"IPs" = $ips
"MACs" = $macs
"vmTools" = $vmtools
"State" = $state
"UUID" = $vm.Summary.config.Uuid
"VM ID" = $vm.Summary.vm.value
return $list
#Stylesheet - this is used by the ConvertTo-html cmdlet
function header{
$style = @"
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
border-collapse: collapse;
border: none;
font: 10pt Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: black;
margin-bottom: 10px;
table td{
font-size: 10px;
padding-left: 0px;
padding-right: 20px;
text-align: left;
table th{
font-size: 10px;
font-weight: bold;
padding-left: 0px;
padding-right: 20px;
text-align: left;
clear: both; font-size: 130%;color:#00134d;
margin-left: 10px; font-size: 12px;
float: left;
table tr:nth-child(even){background: #e6f2ff;}
table tr:nth-child(odd) {background: #FFFFFF;}
div.column {width: 320px; float: left;}
div.first {padding-right: 20px; border-right: 1px grey solid;}
div.second {margin-left: 30px;}
margin-left: 10px;
return [string] $style
### Script entry point ###
#Path to html report
$repPath=(gci env:userprofile).value+"\desktop\test.htm"
#Report Title
$title = "<h2>VMs hosted on $hostIP</h2>"
#Sort by
if ($sortBy -eq "") {$sortBy="Name"; $desc=$False}
elseif ($sortBy.Equals("ramalloc")) {$sortBy = "RAM Alloc"; $desc=$True}
elseif ($sortBy.Equals("ramhost")) {$sortBy = "RAM Host"; $desc=$True}
elseif ($sortBy.Equals("os")) {$sortBy = "OS"; $desc=$False}
#Drop any previously established connections
Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$False -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Connect to vCenter or ESXi
if (($user -eq "") -or ($pass -eq ""))
{Connect-VIServer $hostIP -ErrorAction Stop}
{Connect-VIServer $hostIP -User $user -Password $pass -ErrorAction Stop}
#Get a VirtualMachine view of all vms
$vmView = Get-View -viewtype VirtualMachine
$vms = Get-VM
#Iterate through the view object, write the set of vm properties to a PSObject and convert the whole lot to HTML
(vmProperties -view $vmView) | Sort-Object -Property @{Expression=$sortBy;Descending=$desc} | ConvertTo-Html -Head $(header) -PreContent $title | Set-Content -Path $repPath -ErrorAction Stop
#Disconnect from vCenter or ESXi
Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$False -Server $hostIP -ErrorAction Stop
#Load report in default browser
Invoke-Expression "cmd.exe /C start $repPath"
Write-Host $_.Exception.Message